I can't quite remember the order of events after the surgery, but I've been told that I was initially put in the High Dependency Unit, where Helen and my Mum first saw me after the operation.
Helen has since told me that when she saw me, not long after the surgery itself, I was barely awake. I had a big old bandage around my head, and my face had already started to swell up quite dramatically.
Luckily, Helen's always had a thing for Sloth from The Goonies.
I remember trying to speak to her, specifically to tell her I was OK and to check that she was too, but I had no energy to talk. Plus, they'd cut through one of the muscles that move my jaw, so talking would continue to be a pain for a while.
About a week after the operation, I overheard Helen telling one of our friends what I'd been like at this stage. Apparently I'd tried to speak to her but couldn't really get any words out to her - so resorted to monkey-style sign language.
I'm quite proud of myself that I managed to get my point across via sign language, as I've been banging on about learning it for ages. Point to eye, point to heart, point to Helen.
I really did feel better as soon as I'd seen her.
For the next day and a bit, I did what I do best, sleep like a motherfucker.
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